Sunday, June 30, 2024

The genius of nature is such that no matter what extremes or particularities may arise at any moment, or indeed come to define an age, there have been and will be again contrary extremes, outright reversals of fortune and all manner of complementary and transitional shades in between. If this were not so, then moments themselves would be barely distinguishable, blurring together instead to form one great gray, undifferentiated, incomprehensible mass. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Interview with Robert Margouleff

Another video produced by... someone else? Yes, editorial standards have been sliding around here lately as surely as they have elewhere.

But seriously, you don't want to miss this one!

No, really. It's that good. Well, the other videos were too! You should watch them also, you lazy office-chair artichoke! Why else would I have gone to the trouble of sharing them unless I thought they were actually that brain-tinglingly good?! 

Ok... sorry. Here it is:

This has been, without a doubt, one of the most fascinating and revealing conversations with a living human being (or any person living or dead) that I've witnessed in a great many years. I learned so many things I didn't know about the origins of the storied T.O.N.T.O. synthesizer and the ensuing partnership between Stevie Wonder and the Margouleff / Cecil production & engineering team -- a vitally important episode in the history of electronic music which alone would have made for essential viewing. 

But that's just for starters! 

Throw in some deep and highly personal musings on the present state and future of art and music production, loads of rare photos & archive footage, plus the odd clip from Brian De Palma's 1974 camp horror / comedy tour-de-farce Phantom of the Paradise? Altogether you have the makings of an historic event, a true meeting of minds that transcends the ages and thereby accomodates the viewer to a significant degree as well. Not to be missed by even the most casual of synth fans, and completely enjoyable for those having a more general interest as well. 

Special thanks go to Anthony Marinelli for bringing this jewel of an interview into being and for having the tact and sensitivity to discuss difficult and complex topics with such poise and clarity. Thanks also to Robert for opening up and gifting us with his legacy and with such valuable insights into the world of art, as difficult to understand as some may find them to be. And of course, thanks to Stevie for the beautiful, eternal music he's left for everyone.

The world today can only benefit from more high-level discussions like this one.

Sunday, June 23, 2024



The case against multiple instantiation

It's highly unlikely that two people actually have the same idea about anything, not in the least because of the difficulties encountered in determining what is denoted by the idea of an idea. What matters is that people have a similar enough idea about something to facilitate and sustain an ongoing exchange of fruitful communication. That seems to be just about all that's required for the generation of meaning, disappointing a result as that might ultimately be. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Contrast control

True ignorance consists not only in being unaware, but in being unaware that one is unaware.

The true value of knowledge is not apparent until true knowledge is acquired; that is, the essence of knowledge consists in the ability to judge its own value.


Nature bends to her tasks with alacrity and devious art, weaving a tapestry of immense subtlety and seamless craft...  meanwhile we drudge and plod on with our bold primary colors and witless popularity contests.